2012年1月6日 星期五


部落格 Sweet Road 我女兒在西班牙的宣教士生活點滴

What’s Real 什麽才是重要的事

Faith Walter

I don’t know if this happens to you, but it happens to me frequently enough: I’ll be working at the computer, and the kids will need some attention: Brennan will look at the computer and ask me persistently what I’m doing (he is über-nosy), or the kids will want a snack, or Kathryn will scream at me to kill a “little, little spider” or whatever. I’m focused on what I’m doing, so I usually tell them to wait, deal with things on their own, or not worry about it. If they’re fighting, then I really get hassled and tell them to knock it off. I’m dismissive, irritated, and certainly not loving. It’s like whatever I’m doing is the most important thing and I simply don’t have time to take care of the kids. So then they pester, hover, and whine that much more, which all drives me bonkers.

But when I do take a break and help them because there’s no one else to do it, reality sets back in. In a way, ignoring them is like when I eat too many Skittles or drink too much Coke in one sitting – it feels good for a little bit, but then the sugar high wears off and I get really light-headed and cranky. Paying attention to the kids, though – that’s like eating real food; it’s solid and substantial and nourishes everyone’s soul. I realize, once again, that the most important thing in the room is certainly not the project I was working on, the person I was emailing, or the friend on Facebook a thousand miles away on whose status I was commenting. My monster-ish tendencies soften as I become emotionally present to the kids. And God says, “This is what’s in front of you, and this is what’s real. This is your life.” Amen. Help me to walk in that, Lord.



1 則留言:

Nate Walter 提到...

Very cool, Dad. I like your translation at the end, too. Thank you for your encouragement!! - Faith